Super Catnip Bag 40g (Fine)
For Spoilt Cats
Super Catnip is a non-addictive herb that sends most cats into states of kittenish, friskiness, and euphoria. Super Catnip can be spread on the ground, or a simple toy can be made by filling a sock, or cloth pouch with the herb for ultimate feline fun.
Super Catnip benefits sedentary cats, or those living indoors keeping them active and exercising. Super Catnip can also be used to comfort sick or anxious cats that may be recovering from surgery or getting used to a new home.
Super Catnip is freshly grown in South Africa, and the variety used is incredibly pungent.
Available in medium and fine grade in attractive 40-gram bags. We would also welcome Bulk Export inquiries.
See the Nepeta Cataria (Catnip) information page for the traditional medicinal uses of this herb.